Friday, April 13, 2012

The Idea

The idea for this blog came a couple weeks ago after seeing yet another disappointment at the movie theater.  Well, If I'm being completely honest, the idea actually came a year ago- but more on that later. 

I remember a time when I used to think that literally every movie I saw had Academy Award Winner written all over it.  These days, with a more picky (read matured) movie taste, I find myself continually disappointed with the movies that Hollywood seems to pump out.  The routine is always the same.  I 1) see a preview 2) am instantly amazed by it and 3) declare, "I have to see that!"  I think the real winners are the editors of previews because it is my personal belief that they can make all crap look like gold. 

So cut to a couple of weeks ago when this very thing happened.  I went to see the movie "Friends with Kids" which, by the preview (of course), looked like a hilarious and original screenplay filled with memorable one-liners.  What I got instead was a non-funny, painful to watch, unrealistic take on kids and relationships. 

On the way home, I started thinking about the AFI's best of the best lists and thought (after my poor movie choices), it wouldn't be a bad idea to call in some back-up in regards to what qualified as a timeless film.

I mentioned earlier that the idea for this blog came about a year ago.  My college roommate Melanie and I were sitting in our living room talking and we thought it might be fun to work our way through the AFI's top 100 movies.  We would watch the movie, and then I would blog a review about it to practice my writing.  At the time, I was writing for my college newspaper and wanted to further develop and explore this new writing passion. 

We printed the list, got the popcorn ready, set a finish date for early May (this was about 4 or 5 months away, but hey- we had to finish before we went our separate ways after graduation) and made it all the way through.... 5 movies.  Maybe. And 2 blogs.  Maybe.

So I guess, to be completely accurate, the idea for the blog was less created and more resurrected.  But, after the first attempt and failure, it's time buckle down and get serious.  This time, I've implemented a few updates...

The List: Rather than go with the 'Top 100' list, we thought it would be more interesting to view the Top 10 of each genre.

The Players: That 'we' I typed above has changed a bit too.  While Melanie is an awesome movie-viewing partner, our differing state zip codes makes viewing the movies together a bit difficult.  The one agreeing to jump on board in her place is my boyfriend, Jared (who also shares an interest in movies.)

The Rules:  Completing 100 movies and 100 blogs in 4 months was obviously too lofty of a goal (especially for two second semester college seniors) so this time it'll be 100 movies in 24 months.  Hopefully, that will average to about 4 movies a month.  Rather than completing each category of 10 before moving on to the next genre, Jared thought (and I agree) that it would create more of a build-up if we watched all the 10's, then the 9's, etc. etc.  Sort of a 'saving the best for last' method.  Well actually, 'saving the best of the best for last.'

Now that everything's laid out on the table, I guess the only thing left to say is "ready, set, go."  Or maybe more appropriately...

"Lights. Camera. Action!"

Days to go: 730
Movies to watch: 100 


1 comment:

  1. I am loving this, Jennie O. As the aforementioned college roommate, I hereby give my blessing as you embark on this new endeavor. A revised goal is 129% more likely to be achieved than the original goal, by the way. So there is no room for failure here. At all. Ever.

    I'm just saying that I can't wait to read some of your posts!
