Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Back to the Casting Call!

Finally making it to the Sci-Fi list, 'Back to the Future' is the movie that comes in at #10.  Now, I've seen this movie before (it's hard to click away from it when it's on TV- regardless of what point in the movie you're tuning in at...).  Anyways, after countless views, I thought I had the story, the characters, and the actors all figured out.  Turns out, I have yet another confession to make. 

I have gone years and years (soon to be 1+ year this Thursday) NOT realizing that Marty Mcfly, our endearing teenage main character set on a quest to save his parent's relationship, and Gordon Bombay, the loveable coach in the Mighty Ducks series are NOT in fact the same person.  Who knew?  Ok, probably most people.  But I blissfully went on thinking that these two silly characters were played by the same person.  "Who cares?," you might be thinking... well, I'll tell you.  Realizing that these characters were played by different people (Michael J. Fox in 'Back to the Future' and Emilio Estevez in 'Mighty Ducks') shattered a few mirrors in my mind. 

Now, to perform my civic duty, I wanted to save anyone else from experiencing this heartbreak by clarifying who else did NOT play a certain character in 'Back to the Future.'  Hence, as this blog post title suggests, let's head back to the casting call.

Dr. Emmett Brown a.k.a 'Doc.'  I'm sorry people, but the cooky mad scientist is NOT in fact played by John Malkovich.  Now, Christopher Lloyd does such a fine job playing this character that it's actually hard to imagine it can be anyone BUT him.  But, my dear readers, John Malkovich is not just anyone.  I mean, who else could do an iPhone commercial that inspires a hilarious Twitter Account?  If you're not following @SiriandJohn, you need to be right now.  And if you don't have a Twitter Account....

...I'm sorry, there's no hope for you.

Much in the way that Alec and Jimmy make me a proud CapitalOne owner, John makes me a proud iPhone/Siri owner.  Further proof that he would've made a perfect 'Doc'?  His SNL hosting success from Season 34.  He so delightfully (and creepily I might add) transforms the classic poem, "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," into a very, very, strange and funny story.  Some of the most notable lines include John telling the kids that if Santa were really traveling that fast he would burst into flames, that pennies used to work as cough drops, and that the Santa in Portugal eats the toes of the  children who forget to leave him a stick of butter.  ?????????.

Later on in the show, he does a wonderful skit about how all he and his brother want for Christmas is a calculator.  Speaking as a past Finance major, I completely understand the joy that a calculator and Microsoft Excel can bring into someone's life.

If John had in fact been cast as 'Doc' in 'Back to the Future,'  I'm sure that he would've somehow found a way to deviously derail Marty's plan to preserve his parent's relationship, married Marty's mother, and later force Marty to spend the duration of his life polishing his science gear with windex while singing old Broadway show-tunes.  Yea- freaky.  But hey, that's John.   

Yes, it is somewhat entertaining to imagine what the movie would've been like with a 'unique' individual such as John Malkovich.  And hey, there's no need to dethrone Christopher Lloyd.  There's plenty of room for the both of them.... 'Back to the Future Part IV,' anyone?

That's all for now.

Movies Watched: 6/100
Days Remaining: Asked Siri, she told me to shut up.

Link to commercial: http://www.youtube.com/user/apple?v=hiBIT8Kgr4w
Link to SNL skit: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/twas-the-night-monologue/866361

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