Sunday, April 15, 2012


So, we're only 1 movie deep into the project and I already have to confess a violation of the rules. I mentioned in the last post that we were planning on beginning with the #10 movie in each category of the list, but for the very first selection we went with the #6.  But, for good reason.  A very 3-dimensional reason...

 I'm slightly ashamed to admit that yes, I indeed fell prey to the scam of re-introducing Titanic to theaters for the 100th Anniversary of the ship's sinking.  I think in the back of my mind I thought that the extra dimension would cause A) Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On' to be substituted for something like a Daddy Yankee song B) Leo's character to find his own dang door to float on or C) the older Rose character to stop being so selfish and put that necklace up on eBay to leave her granddaughter a decent inheritance. 

Sadly, none of my hopeful alternative endings came true and the 3D effects were more than a little lackluster.  (Although, it was very entertaining to move my hand back and forth in front of my face exclaiming, "It's like it's coming right at me!" Also, Jared looked pretty cute wearing 2 pairs of glasses.)

Seeing the movie for the 2nd, 3rd, or maybe even 4th time (I've lost count) did bring back a couple memories.  Regardless of what viewing number this past one was, I certainly (and vividly) remember my first time seeing the movie.  In 1997, I was a little 3rd grader who desperately wanted to see the movie because it was all my fellow 8 year old classmates could talk about.  However, after seeing it themselves, my parents decided that the movie was NOT appropriate for my young and innocent eyes.  A number of years later, during a family vacation to California, they caved and we purchased the movie on pay-per-view from our hotel room.  I vividly remember going to the bathroom during two scenes to avoid having to watch them with my parents.  (I'll let you take a wild guess as to what those scenes were.)

Another couple of years later, my mom came home with a "surprise" she bought at Target- Titanic on VHS.  In those days (wow, I must be getting old) movies that were as long (read, torturous) as Titanic needed to be split between two tapes.  I'll never forget the line that concludes the first tape.  Right after the Titanic crashes into the iceberg, and the characters are beginning to accept the inevitable, the Captain turns to the idiot whose idea it was to speed up the ship and says, "I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay." Dun Dun Dun.

Well, I suppose it's safe to say that paying $14 a ticket to see what one can only describe as an 'eye-roll love story' was probably not the best idea.  My next great idea?  Making the most of the 100th Year Anniversary by visiting the Molly Brown house.  Hey, maybe they've added a 3D effect to the tour.  Good thing I kept my 3D glasses...

Days to go: 728
Movies to watch: 97

Entries on The Usual Suspects and Sleepless in Seattle to come soon.




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